Ever since I said yes to blogger to upgrade the section where you write your actual posts, I'm having problems with adding my pictures. They add as normal but when you move them to the left and then you want your text to flow around the picture, it just doesn't work, it doesn't look good. I have more problems with spacing. I'm getting space where I don't want space and other things. I'm not happy with this upgrade, don't know how to change back.
Or should I just work with it a little more and figure it out? I don't know.
Anybody else having problems with this?
Same thing was happening to me too. I was getting so ticked off. I finally just gave up the whole text around the pic like I use to.
The spaces totally ticking me off. the bullets are off....
So hate it but I am staying with it for rightnow.
I also had major issues. I wrote a post and scheduled it to post the following morning. Wow, was I surprised when I woke up and saw the major formatting issues! I went back to the old blogger. I loved the new options, it just was not worth the frustrations!
Join the crowd! I have pictures zigzagging all over my blog! I just quit tagging them and hoping everyone could figure out what they were and where they belonged. You think Blogger would fix that glitch!
YES YES YES! It is bugging the heck out of me.
I'm considering going back to the old version, but then you can't move the pictures around.
I thought it was a formatting issue. I copy from Word into Blogger. I added the step of copying into note pad from Word and then into Blogger. It works for me.
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