Wordless Wednesday (well, half wordless that is)

Bless her, ...little Abby.

We went to see the doctor yesterday as Abby's been very pale in the last couple of days and something was up, I just couldn't pinpoint what it was. She has an eye-infection in her right eye, but this morning we have the infection in both eyes. She's been coughing too but nothing's on her lungs so that's not too bad.
She's had a very bad night, not a lot of sleep for either of us. She ended up in my bed last night and kept tickling/stroking my back, which sounds cute (and it was) but it kept me up most of the night.


Nina :-) said...

awww! It sucks when they are sick> Hopefully you can get a nap in!!

Janet said...

It's so horrible when the kids get sick. :( I hope she gets well soon.

Unknown said...

Oh no! Hope she gets well soon!

Angie Vinez said...

Poor baby! I hope she feels better soon!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Mom's don't need sleep. Wink, wink.

Blessings Abound said...

Yes, bless her little heart! I hope you find out what's going on and it clears up soon. (((hugs)))

Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

Awww...I hope she feels better!

Unknown said...

Hope she feels better soon!

philly5113 said...

Awww so sorry she is sick. Although spring is a nice time of the year it also brings some of the worst seasonal ills. Hopefully she will feel better soon.

Desiree said...

awe, I hope she is feeling much better soon!

Anonymous said...

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Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

hugs, hope she feels better soon!!

Just love to Write said...

I hope she feels better soon.

PMKU said...

Poor baby. Hope she feels better soon.

Rocco and Ava's Mommy said...

hope she's feeling better!