Well, that would actually work if your little one doesn't help you unload and load the washing all the time. Abby just loves to take out the washing and reload the basket. I've given up on explaining why she should keep the washing in it.
I swear this was all neatly folded 15 minutes earlier!
The kids are still off from school as now there's not only snow but also ice...I've got a feeling they are going to be off from school for the rest of the week as it's going to snow again tomorrow.
It's all about layers, right, when it comes to the cold and snow?
Well, this is Abby getting herself ready for going outside. She just doesn't want to wear her pants, she loves her Babylegs.
Well, luckily I have a ski-suit for her, an all-in-one, nice and warm.
1 comment:
but she's sooo cute! Evan LOVES to unfold clothes too!
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